Workspace Image

By default, Gitpod uses a standard Docker Image called Workspace-Full as the foundation for workspaces. Workspaces started based on this default image come pre-installed with Docker, Nix, Go, Java, Node.js, C/C++, Python, Ruby, Rust, Clojure as well as tools such as Homebrew, Tailscale, Nginx and several more.

If this image does not include the tools you need for your project, you can provide a public Docker image or your own Dockerfile. This provides you with the flexibility to install the tools & libraries required for your project.

Note: Gitpod supports Debian/Ubuntu based Docker images out-of-the-box. Some base images like Alpine do not include libgcc and libstdc++ by default, which breaks Visual Studio Code. See a reference Alpine base image and issue #3356.

Configuring a Workspace Image

Use a public Docker image

You can define a public Docker image in your .gitpod.yml file with the following configuration:

language icon language: 
image: node:buster

The official Gitpod Docker images are hosted on Docker Hub.

You can find the source code for these images in this GitHub repository.

Docker image tags

For public images, feel free to specify a tag, e.g. image: node:buster if you are interested in a particular version of the Docker image.

For Gitpod images, we recommend using timestamped tag for maximum reproducibility, for example image: gitpod/workspace-full:2022-05-08-14-31-53 (taken from the Tags panel on this dockerhub page for example)

Use a private Docker image

This is currently in Alpha.

Note: The video above uses dockerhub as the reference, if you’re using Google Artifact Registry then see this video afterwards.

You may also use private Docker images.

To do so you must provide the registry authentication details to Gitpod by setting GITPOD_IMAGE_AUTH with the following value <registry-domain>:<base64-encoded 'username:password'> as a Project-level environment variable.

For example, if the registry is, the username is foo and the password is bar, the GITPOD_IMAGE_AUTH environment variable value may be calculated using the command echo -n ""; echo -n "foo:bar" | base64 -w0 which outputs

Later you should be able to use the following in your .gitpod.yml:

language icon language: 

Using a custom Dockerfile

This option provides you with the most flexibility. Start by adding the following configuration in your .gitpod.yml file:

language icon language: 
    file: .gitpod.Dockerfile

Next, create a .gitpod.Dockerfile file at the root of your project. The syntax is the regular Dockerfile syntax as documented on

A good starting point for creating a custom .gitpod.Dockerfile is the

gitpod/workspace-full image as it already contains all the tools necessary to work with all languages Gitpod supports.
language icon language: 
# You can find the new timestamped tags here:
FROM gitpod/workspace-full:2022-05-08-14-31-53

# Install custom tools, runtime, etc.
RUN brew install fzf

⚠️ Caveat: > COPY instructions in a Dockerfile is only evaluated once and then cached. See this to break the cache and trigger a rebuild.

⚠️ Caveat: The base image of a custom Dockerfile must be public.

Docker support: If you use the gitpod/workspace-full image, you get Docker support built-in to your environment.

If you want a base image without the default tooling installed then use the gitpod/workspace-base image.

language icon language: 
# You can find the new timestamped tags here:
FROM gitpod/workspace-base:2022-05-08-14-31-53

# Install custom tools, runtime, etc.
# base image only got `apt` as the package manager
# install-packages is a wrapper for `apt` that helps skip a few commands in the docker env.
RUN sudo install-packages shellcheck tree llvm

When you launch a Gitpod workspace, the local console will use the gitpod user, so all local settings, config file, etc. should apply to /home/gitpod or be run using USER gitpod (we no longer recommend using USER root).

You can however use sudo in your Dockerfile. The following example shows a typical .gitpod.Dockerfile inheriting from gitpod/workspace-full:

language icon language: 
# You can find the new timestamped tags here:
FROM gitpod/workspace-full:2022-05-08-14-31-53

# Install custom tools, runtime, etc.
# install-packages is a wrapper for `apt` that helps skip a few commands in the docker env.
RUN sudo install-packages \
          binwalk \
          clang \

# Apply user-specific settings

Once committed and pushed, Gitpod will automatically build this Dockerfile when (or before) new workspaces are created.

See also Gero’s blog post running through an example.

What is available at build time


  • Git repository at CWD.

    Note: additionalRepositories from the multi-repos feature will not be available in this context.

    For example, you can copy your repository inside the image and execute a script:

    language icon language: 
    FROM gitpod/workspace-full
    # At first copy the repository files to ${TARGET_DIR}
    ARG TARGET_DIR="/tmp/work"
    COPY --chown gitpod:gitpod . "${TARGET_DIR}"
    # Let's suppose there is a bash script in our repository, we can try to execute it
    RUN cd "${TARGET_DIR}" && bash ./scripts/

Not available:

  • Gitpod environment variables, not available due to security reasons.

    If you want to access Gitpod environment variables when building images using the Docker daemon running in your workspace. Here’s what you could do:

    • Prepare a custom dockerfile (.gitpod.Dockerfile), example contents:
    language icon language: 
    FROM gitpod/workspace-full
    # Lets suppose DOWNLOAD_URL is saved as a Gitpod environment variable that is visible (not hidden to the workspace)
    RUN curl -L "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" -o "${HOME}/payload.tar"
    • Build an image using the Docker daemon running in your workspace like so: docker build --build-arg DOWNLOAD_URL -f .gitpod.Dockerfile .
    • Push the image to your dockerhub account and change it’s visibility to private.
    • Use the image from your .gitpod.yml:
    language icon language: 
  • Persistent /workspace directory mount

  • /ide layer

  • Gitpod CLI

Custom base image

While it is recommended to extend one of the Gitpod-provided base images for custom Dockerfiles to ensure the image has the required dependencies for a workspace, it is possible to configure a Dockerfile with a public (Debian/Ubuntu-based) image as its base.

There are some requirements for a public base image to work properly as a workspace. For example, you’ll need to set up the gitpod user with the right UID, and install git to ensure your workspace can start. See the below Dockerfiles as a reference.


language icon language: 
FROM ubuntu:latest

# Install:
# - git (and git-lfs), for git operations (to e.g. push your work).
#   Also required for setting up your configured dotfiles in the workspace.
# - sudo, while not required, is recommended to be installed, since the
#   workspace user (`gitpod`) is non-root and won't be able to install
#   and use `sudo` to install any other tools in a live workspace.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -yq \
    git \
    git-lfs \
    sudo \
    && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/*

# Create the gitpod user. UID must be 33333.
RUN useradd -l -u 33333 -G sudo -md /home/gitpod -s /bin/bash -p gitpod gitpod

USER gitpod


language icon language: 
FROM alpine:3.18.2

RUN apk add --no-cache \
        # Needed for Gitpod compatibility:
        # git-lfs \ # uncomment if needed
        bash \
        sudo  \
        docker \
        # Needed for VSCode compatibility:
        libgcc \
        gcompat \

    # Add gitpod user
    && echo '%gitpod ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/gitpod \
    && addgroup -g 33333 gitpod && adduser -u 33333 -G gitpod -h /home/gitpod -s /bin/bash -D gitpod

Additional tools & languages: see for references to configure your workspace image with common tools and languages. For instance, this Dockerfile shows how to install docker and docker-compose.

Tailscale: see the Tailscale integration docs for setting up Tailscale in a custom Dockerfile.

Validate and apply a workspace image

To validate your workspace image is working execute the gp validate command from within the workspace with your configuration changes. For the configuration change to apply for all new workspaces you must commit and push your configuration to source control.

For a full guide, see Configuring Workspaces.

Manually rebuild a workspace image

If you want to force a rebuild of the image associated with a repository,

Sometimes you find yourself in situations where you want to manually rebuild a workspace image, for example if packages you rely on released a security fix.

You can trigger a workspace image rebuild with the following URL pattern:<your-repo-url>.

Configure a custom shell

Feedback needed: Custom shell support is in the works. The below shows a method for running some of the ~/.bashrc.d startup scripts. To leave feedback on the approach, please see this GitHub issue: #10105.

For example, if you wish to default your workspace-image to zsh, you could do it from your custom dockerfile with the following line:

language icon language: 
ENV SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh

Tip: You could also create an environment variable at called SHELL with */* scope for setting a personal default SHELL.

Caveat: Shells like fish, zsh and etc. are not POSIX-compliant or bash-compatible, so your Gitpod tasks might error if you use some POSIX or bash specific features in your task scripts.

Load bash environment in custom shell

Currently we put some startup scripts for the workspace-images at ~/.bashrc.d, that means if you change your SHELL from bash to something else, they will not auto run. You could run the following command from your SHELL to workaround:

language icon language: 
bash -lic 'true'


Why is my custom dockerfile rebuilding everytime even with no change made to it?

This usually happens when you don’t pin the image tag (AKA version) inside your custom dockerfile.

In such cases, it could be that there has been long gaps between the time you reuse a workspace or create a new one. We usually release new images every week so if there was more than one week between each start then the image will be rebuild every time.

So, for example, if your .gitpod.Dockerfile looks like the following:

language icon language: 
FROM gitpod/workspace-full:latest

# ... more stuff

You could grab a timestamped tag from here for gitpod/workspace-full.

And then your .gitpod.Dockerfile could look like:

language icon language: 
FROM gitpod/workspace-full:2023-01-16-03-31-28

# ... more stuff

Note: Please grab a recent tag from the linked page, don’t copy paste the example from here.

Also see docker-image-tags for more info.

How to run a Desktop app for GUI development inside a Gitpod workspace

If you wish to do GUI application development in Gitpod and getting errors such as:

  • Unable to init server: Could not connect : Connection refused
  • No display server running
  • Xorg missing
  • xdg-open command not found

Then you need to use the gitpod/workspace-full-vnc docker image. See this page for more info.

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