.NET in Gitpod

Example Repositories

Repository Description Try it
dotnetcore C# .NET Core template Open in Gitpod
uno Build Mobile, Desktop and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML Open in Gitpod
uno.quickstart An Uno “Hello world!” project using Windows UWP, iOS, Android and WebAssembly Open in Gitpod

Installing the .NET Tools

To get all the .NET tools that you need pre-installed in your Gitpod workspaces, use the following base image in your .gitpod.yml:

language icon language: 
image: gitpod/workspace-dotnet

If your project requires a GUI or Virtual Desktop, please use this image instead:

language icon language: 
image: gitpod/workspace-dotnet-vnc

This will give you a full GUI Virtual Desktop for your .NET application! The Virtual Desktop will be running on port 6080.

Compiling .NET Code in Gitpod

To compile your C# or F# Code in Gitpod, run dotnet build <FILE>, where <FILE> is the path to the C# or F# project file or .NET solution file you want to compile.

Running .NET Code in Gitpod

To run your code after it has been compiled run dotnet <FILE> where <FILE> is the path to the EXE file you want to run. You can also run application with dotnet run <FILE> where <FILE> is the path to the C# or F# project file you want to compile and run.

Running .NET Code in watch-mode

Alternatively, you can also run your application in so-called watch-mode. In such configuration the application will recompile and rerun itself every time you save any source file belonging to the project. To run your code in watch-mode use dotnet watch --project <FILE> run where <FILE> is the path to the C# or F# project file you want to compile and run.

Useful VS Code Extensions


The official C# extension from Microsoft is proprietary and unfortunately cannot be used. The MIT licensed muhammad-sammy.csharp extension from Samsung brings code completion, snippets, auto-formatting, peek definition, refactoring, hover documentation and breakpoint debugging for C# however!

C# Extension Demo

To add this extension to your repository, add the following to your .gitpod.yml:

language icon language: 
        - muhammad-sammy.csharp


The Ionide-fsharp extension gives F# developers the following features:

  • A Widget for your F# needs
  • Auto completion
  • Shows errors inline
  • Quickfix
  • Goto definition
  • Peek definition
  • And more…

Ionide fsharp Example

To add this extension to your repository, add the following to your .gitpod.yml:

language icon language: 
        - Ionide.Ionide-fsharp@4.6.2:yBkAE6j7z7gJ5WEcyMjEOg==

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