Configuring workspace resources

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Configuring workspace resources and limits is essential to balancing the following factors:

  • Workspace performance: The amount of compute available to each workspace
  • Workspace startup times: Having smaller workspaces on a node increases the chances of there being space available for another workspace, meaning that a new node does not need to be spun up. On the other extreme: one workspace per node means a new node needs to be spun up for every new workspace
  • Your cost of compute: The fewer resources your workspaces request, the more you can fit on the node - and the fewer nodes you have to pay for

How to configure workspace requests and limits

You should always be setting limits for your workspaces in order to avoid a process taking up the resources of an entire node, starving all other processes. We recommend sizing workspaces onto a node such that 4 cores and 8 GiB of RAM are left unused for Gitpod’s services (mainly ws-daemon) and other processes (e.g. the kubelet).

Currently, workspace resources and limits can be set via a config-patch.

For example, assuming a machine with 16 CPUs and 64 GB of memory, we recommend the following config-patch:

language icon language: 
            cpu: '4'
            memory: 16Gi
            cpu: '4'
            memory: 16Gi

With this configuration, 3 workspaces should fit onto the aforementioned 16 CPU / 64 GB memory node (with CPU cores being the limiting factor). A workspace would always have 4 CPUs and 16 GB of RAM available. These numbers are also used when scheduling workspaces onto pods - workspaces are only scheduled onto nodes that have at least these amounts of resources available.

This is intentionally on the conservative side due to potential resource conflicts concerning I/O bandwidth.

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