Launching DevX Community

Sep 6, 2022

Launching DevX Community

@pawlean's avatar on GitHub Pauline Narvas @michaelaring's avatar on GitHub Michael Aring

We care deeply about developer experience. As omnipresent as the term seems these days, developer experience is an emerging field that is often misunderstood.

Companies of all sizes have introduced teams focused on developer experience over the past years. The folks working on these teams have different titles: Head of Developer Experience, Head of Platform, DevX Engineer, DX Engineer, Staff Engineer - and many more.

What all of them have in common is the desire to improve the tooling and processes that software developers employ in their day-to-day work. That’s no easy feat. Developer experience is a broad domain that requires practitioners to understand the latest technologies just as much as the intricacies of human behavior.

We are launching a shared space for those that work on creating a better developer experience for all of us:

DevX Community – a curated community for DevX leaders that want to connect, create and exchange learnings and insights. DevX Community was seeded by 8 DevX practitioners from GetDX,Gitpod, Honeycomb, Qualtrics, Spotify, Upvest, and Warp. We will carefully expand the community over time to maintain a high-quality forum that is solely dedicated to the world of developer experience.

Learn more about the community on our new website –

Gitpod is committed to developer experience. DevX Community is the latest addition to a number of activities and formats we have started to help create a better developer experience for every software developer in the world.

DevX Conf

DevX Conf is a virtual conference on developer experience that happens every year. DevX practitioners at leading companies discuss their best tools, processes, and latest learnings.

DevX Pod

DevX Pod features in-depth interviews with DevX experts. Hosts Pauline Narvas and Chris Weichel speak with developer experience leaders to unpack the ins-and-outs of the field.

DevX Community

DevX community is a curated community for DevX leaders to share their knowledge and learnings.

Head over to our new website to see more

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